Here are some pictures from my art reception in Portland last weekend!
Here I am (on the far right) giving my artist talk.

I shared my artist statements for the various collections of work on display, talked about the common threads uniting all my past work, and took questions from the audience.

We had a great turnout, with folks coming and going throughout the evening.

This inviting table of snacks was demolished by the end of the evening.

And I was delighted to share my artwork with friends in person!

Some may know I am active in the Portland contra dance community. A large group of my dance friends showed up, which was wonderful!

There were still quite a few stragglers at the end of the evening when it was time to go home.

On the whole, it was a special and joyful event.
Thanks to all who came, as well as all who couldn’t be there in person but were in spirit! If you haven’t yet, make sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter for future updates about my art.