Sunlit Giants: Original 12″ x 12″


Availability: 1 in stock

Here is “Sunlit Giants.”

Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

The vibrant yellow-green foliage, the bright white sunlight in the sky, the deep shadows, and the vibrant reddish brown of the redwood bark all work together to give this painting a warm and sunny feeling.

Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

The hot summer sun casts light on the rough tree bark.

Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

Looking at the whole image, we get the feeling of standing in the forest surrounded by this circle of giant trees.

Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

A closer look at the details shows individual brush strokes, placed expressively in swipes and dots that form the negative shapes of light coming through the tree canopy, or branches full of greenery.

Detail: Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

Small lines form swooping branches.

Detail: Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Detail: Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Detail: Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Sunlit Giants. 12″ x 12″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2023 Cedar Lee

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