Heat From the Sky: Original 8″ x 8″


Availability: 1 in stock

Here is “Heat from the Sky.”

Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee

This painting is alive with bright yellow and white.

Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee

Up close, it looks very abstract, but still gives the effect of bright dappled sunshine moving through a forest.

Detail: Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee

This small painting is full of painterly details. You can see many layers of warm colors shining through the top layers of paint.

Detail: Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Detail: Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Detail: Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee

The light from the sky shines down so brightly it almost eliminates the top edge of the painting when it’s hung on a white wall!

Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee
Heat from the Sky. 8″ x 8″, Acrylic on Wood, © 2023 Cedar Lee

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