Glorious Fall: Original 20″ x 20″


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Glorious Fall

Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

This painting is full of warmth.

Artist with painting: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The branches fill the canvas, reaching out in every direction. The bright sunlight glows from the center, making parts of the trunk light up almost in white.

Detail: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The branches darken as they reach towards the periphery of the canvas, some of the extremities almost in black.

Detail: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The pink and gold colors are warm, and the details delicate.

Detail: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

One of my biggest inspirations in my art is the desire to paint light in new ways. It sounds trite to say I have a fascination with light, because our eyes perceiving light is the foundation of all vision.

All visual artists have a fascination with light!

Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

But the concept of light truly inspires me: the duality of light and darkness, and the metaphorical meanings of light.

Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

A person’s “light” is something special about them; it’s the gift that they have to give the world. Keeping your light shining, not letting the difficulties in life dim your light, is a worthy goal.

Artist with painting: Glorious Fall. 20″ x 20″, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee


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