Blue Mist: Original 30″ x 30″


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Here is “Blue Mist.”

Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The hardest part of living in the Pacific Northwest is also one of the most beautiful parts: the rain, the fog, the clouds, the constant moisture in the air through fall, winter and much of the spring.

Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

Occasionally we get the unique pleasure of being inside a cloud.

Artist with art: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

In the spring we often get rain and sunshine at the same time, so frequently that people use the term “rainbow season” here. This painting shows sunlight shining through dense fog in the forest.

Artist with art: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

I painted warm golden sunlight shining through cooler shades of lavender and blue.

Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

These colors give the fresh feeling of cool mist on your face.

Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The whole painting radiates a shimmering silvery light.

Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

As your eye travels further back into the woods, the trees become more and more hazy, until they disappear into the mist.

Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee
Detail: Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

The photo that inspired this painting, like my other paintings Earth’s Forest and Sun Through Fog, was taken by my talented friend Devon Mitchell. Thanks to her for letting me use her images as inspiration for my art!

Blue Mist. 30” x 30”, Acrylic on Canvas, © 2022 Cedar Lee

Contact me if you’re interested in purchasing the original painting or a print.


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